Meet Stella, our new Community Access staff member in Adelaide!

Published on: 8th March 2023

Stella is available for walk-in support on Mondays and Fridays, and fortnightly on a Tuesday.

Stella has recently joined the Community Access team to provide walk-in support to the Adelaide Deaf community – this can be for services such as translations, advocacy, referrals, whatever you might need.

Stella is available at the following times and locations:

When: Mondays and Fridays between 9am – 12pm

Where: Deaf Connect Adelaide – 200 South Rd, Mile End

When: Tuesdays (fortnightly) between 11am – 2pm

Where: Plympton RSL

You can now claim from your NDIS plan

Our Walk-in service is available to all members of the Deaf community. To ensure quality service, we get funding from many different places. Such as grants, ILC and now the NDIS. When you come in, you can talk through your situation and we will sort out funding. We will never turn away anyone who needs support.

More information about Community Access can be accessed here:

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