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Browse the latest news and updates from Deaf Connect below.
The Northern Territory Deaf community will receive equitable access to information through an Auslan Interpreter – the first living locally in the NT since 2019.
Meet Christy. Christy is a Western Australia based interpreter and trainer for Deaf Connect. She will be one of the trainers working with students to complete the new PSP50916 - Di...
Brent Phillips updates us on: Launch of the NT Auslan Interpreter scholarship program and also our partnership with Deaf Australia.
This week, Brett Casey updates us on the Auslan Connections Over 65's Roadshow.
Walk-in support is now available to the Deaf community in Darwin through our Community Access service.
The NDIS has announced a trial program for ‘independent assessments’ for NDIS participants, a decision that was strongly opposed by many disability advocacy groups and organisa...