National Sign Language Program
Interpreter Gallery
Community Access
Support Coordination
Allied Health Services
Working With Interpreters
National Week of Deaf People
Auslan Day
Auslan & Signed Storytime
Adelaide Fringe Festival
The Western Australia Deaf Community Markets are just around the corner, taking place on Sunday, 27 October, from 10am to 3pm at Shenton College.
Over 65? Book a free sign language interpreter or live captioning for your medical check-ups, as well for banking, social activities, weddings, funerals, and other events.
The program equips participants who are deaf and hard of hearing with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to use their voice to identify issues.
On July 31, the Federal Government announced its response to the Disability Royal Commission Final Report released last September.
Australia’s biggest celebration of Deaf culture is set to take centre stage in 2024, with the return of Deaf Festival Sydney!
Deaf Connect commences Ageing Well Services in Victoria to address the increasing needs of Deaf Seniors.
Deaf Connect is incredibly proud of the Deaf Football Australia (DFA) Women’s national team!
Libraries across Australia are embracing the value of Auslan Storytime, a program that brings the joy of storytelling to life, through Auslan.