National Sign Language Program
Interpreter Gallery
Community Access
Support Coordination
Allied Health Services
Working With Interpreters
National Week of Deaf People
Auslan Day
Auslan & Signed Storytime
Adelaide Fringe Festival
Despite ongoing government initiatives, funding, rallies and national conversation around domestic violence in Australia, the problem continues to escalate.
With more extreme weather, rising sea levels and natural disasters, the climate change discussion is more important now than ever.
Deaf Connect is committed to continually enhancing our services to better meet your needs.
Did you know that 930,000 Australians are owed money from Medicare?
Next week the American population will vote for the next president of USA, but the winner may not be the person with the most votes!
Imagine facing deportation from the only home you’ve ever known because of a disability.
From video and voice recordings to tracking driving behaviour and vehicle location, technology is continually evolving to enhance user experience.
In addition to our Daily news, Deaf Connect will be producing 'deep dive' videos which provide more detail and context to the biggest stories of the week.
Watch as new cash coach, Emma Watkins, brings the bucks to awestruck teens, who have no idea of the costs to run their households, until they try it out for themselves.