Resource | Finding a good doctor

Published on: 31st October 2024

Finding a good doctor is an important step in receiving high quality medical care.

🔎 We have a video explaining the concept of finding a good doctor and some tips for finding the best doctor for you.

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Deaf Connect is pleased to the launch of the Auslan Resource Library.

We consulted with the community about what kinds of information you would like access to, and have started publishing videos on topics like finance, government systems, technology and more.

Visual description of the thumbnail:
Title reads “Auslan Information Resource Hub: Finding a good doctor” and shows a person signing “Relationship”. It includes a note “Produced by Deaf Connect” and the background is a light, abstract pattern.

[Presenter is standing against a plain grey background and wearing a black professional shirt. On the right side of the screen, there are graphics relating to the topics being discussed.]
This video has been produced to help guide you, in considering how you can find the right Doctor for you. There are a few things to consider when looking for the right Dr or specialist, as in a physiotherapist, psychologist or other health professional. One that is the right match for you. It is important you feel at ease and comfortable sharing personal information with the health professional. It is important for you to remember that you are seeing the Dr or specialist for you, it is about you and your health. It is so important that you feel comfortable in your appointment to confidently share information. This means the doctor will be fully informed and be able to best support you. If you feel uncomfortable or perhaps have a feeling a doctor is not suitable for you. You have every right to look for and begin seeing a different doctor. You are not bound to a doctor, you have the freedom to choose a different doctor if you like.
When looking for a new GP or medical centre, here are a few things worth considering: Location. Are you wanting a GP or medical centre that is located close to your home? Or close to your work? Or would you be willing to travel further for a doctor you like? Opening hours. It is worth looking into the opening hours of a medical centre. Some medical centres are open over the weekend. Do they have an after-hours service? Home visits? Find out what is available and when. Gender. Do you have a preference? As a male would you prefer a male doctor, as a female would you prefer a female doctor? Or, this might not be a consideration for you. Cost. Some GP’s are full fee paying practitioners. Whereas other GP’s are able to provide a subsidised appointment through Medicare. It is worth exploring what is available to you. A medical clinic may have 5 GP’s working there, some may be full fee-paying practitioners while others may be able to provide a subsidised appointment through Medicare. It is worth asking and finding out if a fee is payable for an appointment – and how much this is. Speciality and experience. You may be looking for support in a particular specialised area of health. If this is the case, when you are deciding on a doctor it is worth exploring what speciality knowledge areas or experience a doctor may have and finding the right match for you. Treatment options. You may choose to see a doctor based on the treatment options they provide. In making your decision you are able to ask questions of doctors to understand and then chose the right doctor and treatment option that is suitable for you. As a deaf person another consideration is communication. A health professional that is willing to understand the culture and language of the Deaf community and be open to communicating in different ways. Like written notes, using clear mouth patterns, using gestures, using an Auslan interpreter and knowing how best to work with an interpreter.
In a health appointment it is critical that information is presented in a way that is accessible to you. The health professional is there to support you, this is about you. It is so important that you are able to understand the information about your health. After your appointment with a doctor or specialist, it is valuable to reflect on the appointment, and ask yourself: Did I feel like I had a good rapport with the doctor? Did I feel comfortable to ask questions? Did I feel like they listened to me? Would I come and see this doctor again? If you answered yes to those questions, then you may decide to go back. If you answered no, then you have every right to look for another doctor. Remember, you are seeing the health professional for you, it is important you feel comfortable and have a positive relationship. That way you are at ease, understand the information, and able to get the right health support. 

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