National Sign Language Program
Interpreter Gallery
Community Access
Support Coordination
Allied Health Services
Working With Interpreters
National Week of Deaf People
Auslan Day
Auslan & Signed Storytime
Adelaide Fringe Festival
Auslan teacher of eleven years, Robyn Woods talks about her work and why she enjoys it so much.
For Manju, an Auslan teacher with Deaf Connect, her greatest reward in teaching is “building cultural bridges.”
Deaf Connect has developed a range of “healthy ageing” video resources for senior Australians who use Auslan.
Deaf Connect Contact Centre officer and former Education student Matthew Lovett tells us about his Auslan learning journey, and his love of a language that doesn’t require him...
The Northern Territory Deaf community will receive equitable access to information through an Auslan Interpreter – the first living locally in the NT since 2019.
Meet Christy. Christy is a Western Australia based interpreter and trainer for Deaf Connect. She will be one of the trainers working with students to complete the new PSP50916 - Di...
Brent Phillips updates us on: Launch of the NT Auslan Interpreter scholarship program and also our partnership with Deaf Australia.
This week, Brett Casey updates us on the Auslan Connections Over 65's Roadshow.
Walk-in support is now available to the Deaf community in Darwin through our Community Access service.
The NDIS has announced a trial program for ‘independent assessments’ for NDIS participants, a decision that was strongly opposed by many disability advocacy groups and organisa...